Sweden plays host to the first ever Winter Paralympics

Sixteen years after the first official Summer Paralympic Games took place in Rome in 1960, a decision was taken for disability athletes to also compete at a winter Games.

The Games were held in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden and were a separate event to the able-bodied Olympics which were held in Innsbruck, Austria.

There were just two competitive events at these Games - Alpine and Nordic skiing for amputee athletes and visually impaired athletes.   These were the only disabilities competing.  There was also a demonstration event in ice-sledge racing though medals were not awarded.

The Games were a success for Winter Paralympic sport and West Germany finished at the top of the medals table with 28 medals, of which ten were gold.  Switzerland finished second with ten gold medals while Finland claimed third with eight gold medals.

Date Games were held: February 21-28

Number of nations represented: 16

Number of competitors: 250+

Number of medals awarded: 141