Name: Selene Stephansson


How long have you been collecting?
 18 years

How many pins do you own? 
Nearly 200

Selene Stephansson_-_pinIt all started when I was around 8 years old. My uncle always travelled to different countries and collected pins to add to his hat. I was impressed by his collection and one day he decided to give me a hat and a pin (my first one). By this time, I was passionate about pins and my goal was to have more pins than my uncle. He had this amazing pin from Moscow (Olympic Games Mascot) which I always wanted.

Unfortunately he passed away a couple of years ago and guess who could have all of his collection? That's right!

My favourite pin is from 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics - Misha bear - The first major mascot in the Summer Olympic Games. I wasn't even born. This is the only one I will never trade.