August 17 - Chris Rogers (pictured), a reporter from ITV News, has been arrested after he tried to obtain access to London's Olympic Park with a fake passport.


The former Sky News and Newsround presenter had tried to dupe London Olympic officials by using a false Lithuanian passport to test how strong security measures were.


But he was stopped immediately by security officials and arrested by the Metropolitan Police.


Rogers, 32, was later bailed and is unlikely to face charges, the Police said.


A spokesman for ITN, ITV's news provider, said: "We can confirm that an ITV News reporter was stopped by security staff as he conducted a legitimate journalistic investigation at the Olympic Park."


The build-up to the 2004 Olympics in Athens was overshadowed by a number of journalists from British news organisations trying to obtain entry to Games sites to demonstrate that Greek security was lax.


On the eve of the Olympics in the Greek capital a reporter from the The Sunday Mirror claimed he was able to get a job at the main stadium without proper vetting.


The newspaper claimed the reporter worked at the venue until the opening ceremony.


It alleged that Bob Graham, the reporter, had planted three suspicious packages within the stadium which were not detected by security sweeps.


The newspaper says the parcels contained material for three mock bombs, including plasticine, batteries and wire.

At the time, Greece's Public Order Minister George Voulgarakis reacted angrily to the claims, saying the article was a "profound insult to journalism and the principles of objective and responsible reporting".


He said: "I would recommend to Mr Graham to read fewer detective novels."


There were no reports of any British journalists trying to penetrate security during the build-up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.


Last year at least 1,718 people were executed by the Chinese authorities, several for non-violent crimes.