August 1 - The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been collaborating with the South African Government to find measures to deal with a possible spread of swine flu during the 2010 World Cup, they have announced.



Aphaluck Bhatiasevi, a spokesman for the WHO, said: “WHO is in consultation with the South African Government and the World Cup 2010.



"We are working with the Government to be able to best respond to any kind of public health event that could happen during large mass gatherings like the two football cups."


More than half-a-million fans are expected to travel from all over the world to watch the World Cup, which is due to be held between June 11 and July 11.


Last month the Trinidad Government scrapped the Caribbean Games over swine flu fears.


It is estimated that a total of 816 people worldwide have so far died from the virus.


There have so far been 460 recorded cases of swine flu in South Africa, but no deaths.


A spokesman for world governing body FIFA said: "We have been constant consultation with the WHO for several months.


"They keep us informed of developments concerning the pandemic, not only in South Africa but wherever we organise events.


"For the moment it is too early to envisage a scenario or make decisions.


"We do not speculate on what the future holds."