July 31 - Bradley Wiggins (pictured) today released his blood profiles from the last two years in a bid to prove that his recent success in the Tour de France was not the result of doping.



Wiggins had said he would publish the tests to dispel any doubts about the legitimacy of his surprise fourth-place finish at the Tour de France cycle race which ended last Sunday.



The 29-year-old triple Olympic track champion was praised by French media for his performance, which equalled the best by a Briton in the race.


Wiggins' team Garmin-Slipstream today released his blood profile from the whole of 2009, including the Giro d'Italia and the Tour de France, plus the first half of 2008.

Jonathan Vaughters, chief executive of Slipstream Sports, said: "Brad is an exceptionally talented athlete and it was great to see him do so well in the Tour de France.

"He's always been an outspoken advocate of clean cycling.


"He requested that we release his results after the Tour and his decision makes me and the entire team proud."


A statement from Garmin-Slipstream concludes that analysis of the three graphs posted on the team's website 'indicate no evidence of blood manipulation'.


Wiggins announced during the Tour de France he wanted to release his blood passport to prove that an athlete can be competitive in the race without doping.


The Londoner said: "I don't want there to be any suspicion or doubt that what I did was natural.


"I have nothing to hide and I want this transparency.

"If more people did that, fans would have a lot more respect for our achievements.

The key figure in the data provided by Garmin-Slipstream is called the Off Score, which is regarded as the reference point used for assessing an athlete's blood profile.

The number is calculated from the relationship between haemoglobin levels and the percentage of immature blood cells in the sample.

The maximum permitted Off Score is 134 and during the Tour de France Wiggins only once touched above a reading of 95.

The Garmin-Slipstream explanation into the statistics noted: "Most importantly, the trend during the 2009 Giro d'Italia and the 2009 Tour de France was downward, indicating a drop in blood parameters over the course of each race."

Wiggins said today he is in the process of "getting together all tests taken from 2003-2008", which he hoped to publish soon.