JUNE 26 - MORE THAN 300 delegates from 70 UK universities and colleges have come together today for the first British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) conference at the University of Sussex, opened by Sir Clive Woodward (pictured).


Opening the "Realising Ambition" event, Sir Clive, Director of Elite Performance at the British Olympic Association, said: “With over 60 per cent of the GB Team in Athens having come through the higher education system, universities have an increasingly important role to play in supporting students combine their studies with high performance sport.


“As the new single voice for university sport, BUCS is in an ideal position to deliver the infrastructure to support our elite athletes in their preparation for the London Olympics.


"It is time to recognise the impact that university sport will have on our medal prospects for 2012 and its legacy.”


Over the three days, BUCS members will also hear from Dave Luckes, head of sport competition at London 2012, and Jennie Price, chief executive at Sport England.


Ed Smith, the BUCS chairman, said: “The BUCS conference is aptly taking place during a week of high profile national and international sporting events such as Wimbledon and Euro 2008.


"This is the first opportunity to bring our members together and review the opportunities we now have to deliver high-quality services and facilities, increase participation and improve competition.


“It’s our job, as the new voice of university sport, to inspire students and staff to think creatively about how sport and physical activity can be delivered as well as harness the potential of London 2012 and the 2014 Commonwealth Games on campus.”


BUCS is the new national organisation for higher education sport in the UK.


It brings together experience and expertise from two former representative bodies – UCS (University College Sport) and BUSA (British Universities Sports Association) – to provide a unified voice for sport, fitness and physical activity on university campuses.