5 years ago
Daniel Etchells
at the Ashgabat Olympic Complex's Martial Arts Arena
Daniel Etchells

Thailand's Sukcharoen strikes gold in women's 45kg snatch

Two no lifts at 79kg for both Dzhumabayeva and Nanthawong.

With only Sukcharoen left to go, she will now attempt to secure the snatch gold medal with a good lift at 80kg.

Can she do it? You bet she can!

The women's 48kg snatch title goes to Sukcharoen with Nanthawong second on 76kg and Dzhumabayeva third on 75kg.

It is now just a question of whether she can extend her lead with success at 82kg.

The weight proves too much, but she will still take a 4kg advantage into the clean and jerk.

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