October 30 - British Handball has received a massive boost with the news that the men's team are to receive $100,000 (£60,370) from the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Solidarity Grant scheme to help support their entry into the 2012 European Championships, a major event in the build-up to the London Olympics.

The news comes the men's team focus on a Four Nations Tournament in Luxembourg this week, where they are playing Belgium, Luxembourg and a top French domestic team.
Lorraine Brown, British Handball's performance director, said: "This is a massive boost for the men’s team.
"We were in the difficult situation of having to enter the European Championships without knowing for sure if we had the funds to do so.
"But now, thanks to the IOC grant, we can concentrate on making plans for a successful campaign."
Earlier this year, British Handball suffered severe cuts when Government agency UK Sport reduced the amount it awarded it in the build-up to London from £2.9 million to £1.488 million.
Handball’s bid was chosen over similar appeals from volleyball and water polo, and will help them achieve their ambition of being competitive at the 2012 Olympics.

With the British women’s team having made remarkable progress in recent months and reached the qualifying stages for the 2010 European Championships, the IOC grant means that the men's team can now look forward to making their own mark on the handballing world.
The IOC cash will be released in stages, with the first tranche being for a preparation camp in Britain and Europe in 2010 and followed by money to support the qualification rounds later next year and into 2011.
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