By Mike Rowbottom in London

March 10 -  As Britain’s Paralympians prepare to challenge for podium places at the winter Games which start in Vancouver on Friday, their summer counterparts have been set an ambitious target for 2010 by UK Sport.

Paralympians will be expected to secure between 64-99 medals in all competitions, with swimming taking the main responsibility.

A target of between 40-50 medals has been set for this year’s IPC world championships in Eindhoven from August 16-23.

Britain’s cyclists have the next highest target, between eight and 14 medals, although those numbers will require clarification following the cancellation of this year’s Track Worlds.

Par-Equestrian Dressage is expected to bring in between eight and 14 medals, and disability archery has a target of seven from the European Championships.

Four sports have been given non-medal targets, where the emphasis will be on improving general standards – disability athletics, goalball, sitting volleyball and wheelchair tennis.

Other than archery, all of the 18 listed summer paralympic sports will have World Championships to contend in this year, which will provide a stronger indication of medal potential for the 2012 London Paralympics.

The announcement in London came as the latest set of  "Mission 2012" submissions, which track the latest state of play across all areas of the UK high performance system, indicated continued positive progress towards London 2012.

Fifteen sports were rated in the most healthy category of "green" – nine Olympic and six Paralympic.

No sports were on "red", the category indicating cause for concern.

"The targets we have agreed with the sports are challenging but are indicative of the gradual increase in momentum towards London 2012," said John Steele, UK Sport’s chief executive.