By Tom Degun

March 12 - ParalympicsGB chief executive Phil Lane (pictured) has credited Deloitte’s funding through the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) as the major force in providing British athletes with a realistic chance of claiming medals at the Vancouver 2010 Paralympics and at London 2012.

Two-thirds of the ParalympicsGB team competing at the Games in Vancouver, whcih open today, have benefited from Deloitte funding through TASS.

Deloitte funded athletes Anna Turney, Jane Sowerby, Talan Skeel-Piggins, Tim Farr, Russell Docker and Sean Rose will compete for Britain in alpine skiing in Vancouver whilst Aileen Nelson and Jim Sellar will represent the country in wheelchair curling.

Alpine skier Rose and the British wheelchair curling team are considered particularly strong medal contenders in Vancouver and Lane believes this is largely because of the Deloitte funding that the athletes have received.

Lane said: "Across Britain, people with a disability have been inspired by the achievements of Britain’s Paralympians and dreams of London 2012.

"Deloitte Disability Sport is helping a new generation of Paralympians to emerge with more than just dreams.

"They will have realistic hopes built on solid foundations.”

Deloitte’s ongoing commitment to disability sport will see a further 99 disability sport athletes receive funding in 2010. 

This means the goals set for the Deloitte scheme when it was launched back in 2006, to have supported 22 Paralympic competitors and 300 athletes in total by 2012, have already been achieved with two-and-a-half years still to go before the London Games.

Deloitte’s financing of TASS awards allows athletes to achieve their sporting potential and keep up their education at college or university.

The funds also help to finance training, competing and support services whilst encouraging an education route that is suited to the individual.

Most of this year’s crop of athletes will receive an award worth £3,500 while ten of them (who are identified as ‘potential medal winners’ at the London 2012 Paralympic Games) will receive a £10,000 ‘TASS 2012’ award.

The Deloitte scheme has already supported Paralympic gold medallists in Beijing including the BBC’s Young Sports Personality of the Year for 2008 Eleanor Simmonds and shooter Matt Skelhon (pictured).

Heather Hancock, the lead partner for London 2012 and Deloitte Disability Sport, said: "Through TASS, we help future stars on their journey to the podium.

"Our people are immensely proud to be making a tangible difference to these individuals’ performances.

"It just goes to show what a difference we can make with long-term funding delivered with commitment from experts who know how to motivate top performers."

When the flame finally goes out on Vancouver 2010, the eyes of the Olympic and Paralympic world will turn to London but Deloitte Disability Sport aims to leave a lasting legacy beyond London 2012.

Parasport, which this week won the Hollis Sponsorship Award for Grass Roots Sponsorship, will continue to connect people with a disability to high-quality sporting opportunities whilst Deloitte Ride Across Britain will continue its breathless sightseeing bid to raise £1million for ParalympicsGB by 2013.

For more details on Deloitte's sponsorship of ParalympicsGB click here.

For more details on the Deloitte Ride Across Britain click here.
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