August 9 - The Paralympics Association of Botswana (PASSOBO) has launched an urgent appeal for funds.

The PASSOBO claim that the P150,000 annual grant (£14,222) they receive from the Botswana National Sports Council (BNSC) is not enough.

Recently the PASSOBO National Games were postponed because there was no money.

Thuso Rasetapa, the PASSOBO President, explained that they have a agreement about the Games with their only sponsor, Standard Chartered Bank, where each pays 50 per cent of the costs.

He said the games had to be moved to November because the PASSOBO  failed to raise the P200,000 (£18,963) they needed to fund the Games.

PASSOBO has arranged a wheelchair sponsored work to raise money.

Botswana only made its debut in the Paralympics at Athens in 2004 when its only athlete, Tshotlego Morama, won a gold medal in the women's T46 400 metres, setting a world record of 55.99sec.

Morama was again due to be Botswana's only representative at Beijing in 2008 but failed to start.

Rasetapa said in their efforts to give people with disabilities a chance to participate in sport, they are faced with countless challenges, including the general lack of opportunities in Botswana for people with disabilities.

PASSOBO treasurer, Tendani Magazine said running sports for people with disabilities is expensive and that the P150,000 (£14,222) they received from the BNSC can only finance two athletes and their caretakers for a year.

Magazine said it is difficult to compete for sponsorship with other sports codes in a small country like Botswana.

She said: "However, we are not just sitting back.

"We are trying to engage companies."