By Tom Degun

September 15 - The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has announced that the 2011 IPC Athletics World Championships in Christchurch will go ahead as planned, despite an earthquake hitting the city in the South Island of New Zealand earlier this month.

The powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 and a depth of six miles hit the edge of Christchurch early on September 4 with the impact bringing down power lines, ripping up roads and wrecking building facades.

The natural disaster sparked fears that the city would unable to host the IPC World Championships next January but a full structural assessment of the Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) Stadium, which will be the venue for the competition, has taken place with engineers have giving the stadium the "all clear".

The means that the facility is now open again to staff and essential services.

Christchurch City Council also reported that the athletics track for competition and warm-up areas are in good condition and, although there are some localised areas of damage, these will not directly affect the competition.

Xavier Gonzalez, the IPC’s chief executive, said: "It is tremendous news that Christchurch will still host our World Championships in January and is another step in the city’s road to recovery.

"I would like to thank the Local Organising Committee and other bodies involved in giving the event the green light so soon after the earthquake.

"I am proud that the IPC Athletics World Championships will be one of the first major sporting events to be held in the city after the earthquake and will play a key role in helping return the area to a state of normalcy.

"The Championships are one of the last major international gatherings of athletes before London 2012 and I believe Christchurch will witness some stunning performances from some great athletes."

Taking place from January 21-30, the 2011 IPC Athletics World Championships are expected to see hundreds of elite athletes from around the globe compete.

Contact the writer of this story at [email protected]

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