Party_for_the_podiumDecember 13 - A modern-day version of "Jim'll Fix It" which offers to make people's sporting dreams come true has been launched in time to capture the Christmas gift market.

Party for the Podium Auction offers the opportunity of sampling life as an elite athlete, with unique training and coaching sessions as well as sporting challenges.

Experiences such as rowing with Olympic champion Zac Purchase, windsurfing with Olympic medallist Bryony Shaw and running the anchor leg of a 4x100 metres relay with Britain's sprinters are all included in the auction,

But if they are not your thing, Party for the Podium is challenging you to create your own.

People are invited to create their ultimate coaching sporting experience and make a pledge to make it become reality via the Party for the Podium website.

Organiser Billy Cotton said: "Athletes around the country are keen to support the project, but to solve our collective dilemma of what exactly to offer we are encouraging people to be creative for us.

"Once the pledge is made we will see if we can make it happen.

"I think people are realistic to realise the more famous the athlete the higher the bid - however, if you don't dream big then it won't happen."

Seventy-five per cent of the funds go directly to the athlete involved and 25 per cent goes to the Elite Athlete Supporters Club, which aims in 2011 to raise £50,000 ($79,000) to help fund the core services provided for the nation's elite athletes.

Party for the Podium is an athlete-led initiative which provides an interactive experience at an increasingly wide range of public events and is considered by over 400 athletes to be a significant enhancement to their normal motivational speaking activities.

For more details click here.