Rubiales at the National Court: "I will stand by my version from start to finish". GETTY IMAGES

The former president of the RFEF has been served with a court order to commence trial for sexual assault and coercion. This case originated from a scandal involving footballer Jenni Hermoso following Spain's victory in the Women's World Cup, wherein Rubiales reportedly gave her a controversial kiss that was allegedly non-consensual.

Ex-president of the Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales, went to the National Court this Friday to personally collect the verdict that will send him to trial for alleged crimes of sexual assault and coercion against Jenni Hermoso in the infamous case of the non-consensual kiss (according to the complainant's version, while Rubiales claims it was consensual) that he gave her after the final of last year's World Cup in Oceania.

This is a formal procedure that must also be followed by the other three defendants, who are accused of forcing the player to publicly justify Rubiales' actions. They are: former men's national team sporting director Albert Luque, former women's team coach Jorge Vilda, and the federation's head of marketing, Ruben Rivera. 

The magistrate investigating the case, Francisco de Jorge, was informed of last week's decision to open proceedings and to set bail amounts to cover any civil liability in the event of a conviction.

Rubiales must pay bail of €65,000 for the crime of sexual assault, which could serve as compensation for the alleged victim, and another €65,000 for the crime of coercion. All four defendants have been charged with the latter offence and will have to pay a substantial bail. The former president of the association faces two and a half years in prison, while the other three defendants face one-and-a-half-years.

Former president of the Spanish football federation Rubiales and his lawyer Olga Tubau, leave the Audiencia Nacional court in Madrid. GETTY IMAGES
Former president of the Spanish football federation Rubiales and his lawyer Olga Tubau, leave the Audiencia Nacional court in Madrid. GETTY IMAGES

There is also a request for Rubiales to be sentenced to an additional eight-year ban on coming within 500 metres of the player or communicating with her, and to pay €50,000 in civil damages, with another €50,000 to be paid by the other defendants.

The prosecution alleges that on 20 August, following the Women's World Cup victory, Rubiales "unexpectedly" planted a kiss on Hermoso's lips without her consent.

He is also accused of "constantly" and repeatedly pressuring the footballer and her entourage to "justify and approve" the kiss he gave "against her will", a "situation of harassment" for which the other three defendants are also responsible, as they are close associates of Rubiales.

Rubiales, who was born in the Canary Islands, has defended himself, claiming that the kiss was consensual and that he never pressured the footballer to justify it publicly. Although he has not spoken to the press, Rubiales has made it clear that this is his version of events and that it will be the one he presents in court.

"When the events you all know about happened, at the medal ceremony in Sydney (Australia), there was only one version from both parties. A few days later, one of the parties changed its version. I will stick to my version from beginning to end because it is the truth," said Rubiales, who left the National Court accompanied by his lawyer, Olga Tubau.