Simone Biles performs at the uneven bars at this year's Core Hydration Classic meet. GETTY IMAGES

Simone Biles kicked off the Olympic season with a victory, scoring 59.5 points at the Core Hydration Classic: her best all-around total since returning to competition in 2023.

Biles took the lead on balance beam, floor exercise and vault, and earned the second highest score on the uneven bars behind two-time world all-around medalist Shilese Jones. She performed her signature moves in both floor and vault, both named Biles II, or the triple-double and Yurchenko double pike respectively. This time, Biles did not have one of her coaches spotting her as she did in 2023. 

"I was just happy to be back out there, get through those nerves again, feel that adrenaline. I can't really complain how the first meet back was." Biles told NBC in an interview. 

The 27-year-old also spoke about her bar routine. "It's just about getting through it, having the confidence and working on cleanliness. So I got through it. Of course, there's things to go home and fix, but I'm not mad about it." she tells NBC.

Shilese Jones, who triumphed over Biles in the uneven bars, is also one the leading contenders for the five-woman team for the Paris 2024 Olympics this summer.

Tokyo Olympic medalists Jordan Chiles and Jade Carey placed third and fourth Saturday, and Suni Lee —the Tokyo Olympic all-around champion— performed on three of four events as she recovers from being diagnosed with two kidney diseases early last year.

Shilese Jones, Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles take to the podium at the 2024 Core Hydration Classic. GETTY IMAGES
Shilese Jones, Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles take to the podium at the 2024 Core Hydration Classic. GETTY IMAGES

Next up for Biles this month is the Xfinity U.S. Championships in Fort Worth, Texas, and the Olympic Trials in Minneapolis this June. The Olympic Trials all-around winner secures their spot for Paris. A three-person selection committee picks the other four team members after trials, taking into consideration the last world championship’s results.