Suncorp Stadium, which will host the Brisbane 2032 Olympic opening and closing ceremonies. GETTY IMAGES

Queensland's government has set up an independent Games Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The state's parliament passed legislation for the creation of the new authority which will be tasked with building and upgrading venues for the 2032 Games. Sunshine Coast CEO Emma Thomas has been named interim chief executive of the Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority which will start work on 1 July. Thomas will be in post for an initial period of six months.

Before announcing Thomas' appointment, Queensland Premier Steven Miles insisted that the new body being a separate entity from Games organisers was vital to ensure that cost-effective and practical decisions were made. 

"The authority will now deliver the venues that will be used in 2032 and beyond, while being overseen by a truly independent board, whose members will be selected by the CEOs of the nine Games delivery partners," Miles said. "The authority will build on the extensive work this government has done since being awarded the Games, and now we’re handing the baton on so we can keep making great strides in our achievements for Queensland."

The Games delivery partners including the Brisbane 2023 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organising Committee, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Brisbane City Council, Gold Coast Council, Sunshine Coast Council, the Australian Olympic Committee and Paralympics Australia.

The debate over venues has been a sensitive one in the state. In March, the Queensland government announced that there would be no new centrepiece stadium for the Games with 1.6 billion Australian dollars (one billion euros) being allocated to upgrade the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre (QSAC) in the south of the city. Suncorp Stadium, aka Lang Park, would host the opening and closing ceremonies. Among the alternatives ruled out were full redevelopment of the iconic Gabba cricket and Aussie Rules football ground or a new stadium to be built in Victoria Park.

Swimming great Grant Hackett was among those signing a letter to Miles criticising the use of QSAC - often dubbed a 'white elephant' at the Games, but IOC President Thomas Bach said Brisbane's candidature was attractive because "it was said that no new stadium or venue would be built for the Games".

He added, "We want to have Games in line with the Olympic Agenda 2020 and that means making use of existing venues as far as possible."