IFMA promotes their mantra of "One World, One Muaythai". IFMA

IFMA believes in building a peaceful and better tomorrow through sport, the Olympic ideals and the values of muaythai which are based on respect. Our world is facing so much division, that it is more important than ever that we come together as one in the IFMA mantra of “One World, One Muaythai.” the International Federation of Muaythai Association declared in a press release yesterday. 

The organisation spoke of how the sport is one of the hardest ring sports and competition is fierce. However, the highest respect is shown to each other by the contenders before and after the bout. 

"It is also important that training opportunities are given to the athletes which experience daily, the terror of war and violence at their doorsteps. This is why opportunities for the National Ukranian Muaythai Team and the Palestinian National Youth Team and many others are invited to the Motherland to train and prepare in peaceful surroundings towards the upcoming highest competitions." IFMA said in their PR.

"It’s not just about the preparation for the competition but also coming together to break bread, show that we are all one family in all our diversity." IFMA President, Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan explained.