At the Olympic Games Paris 2024, hockey will be played on the innovative ‘Poligras Paris GT zero’ turf, the world's first carbon zero hockey turf. FIH

The International Hockey Federation (FIH) has made a strong commitment to making hockey a globally sustainable sport and Paris 2024 will be another step towards achieving this goal.

The first steps were taken with a steady reduction in water consumption, as demonstrated by the turf used at the Tokyo Olympics, which required 39% less water to perform optimally than the turf used in Rio just four years earlier.

At the Paris 2024 Olympic Games,the limits will be pushed even further as hockey will be played on the innovative 'Poligras Paris GT zero' hockey pitch, which sets new standards in sustainability for sports surfaces.

Developed by Sport Group and installed in Paris by Polytan, this advanced turf is the world's first carbon-zero hockey turf, in line with the Paris 2024 Games' commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Zero carbon 'Poligras Paris GT zero' is made from 80% sugar cane and manufactured using green electricity. The production process focuses on low emissions and energy efficiency, ensuring that the lifecycle of the grass - from production to disposal - meets the highest environmental standards.

This environmentally friendly turf doesn't compromise on performance. Athletes can expect the same high quality playability, ball speed and consistency for which Poligras surfaces are known and which have been trusted at 8 Olympic Games and many World Cups.

Poligras Paris GT zero" is also designed to save water. It requires significantly less irrigation than traditional synthetic turf, in line with global efforts to conserve water resources, particularly relevant as the world grapples with water scarcity issues.

The introduction of Polytan's 'Poligras Paris GT zero' at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games marks a significant advancement in sustainable hockey technology. By utilising renewable resources and focusing on environmental impact, this new turf not only supports elite athletic performance, but also sets a precedent for future hockey events to prioritise sustainability, which has long been a goal of the FIH.