Mustapha Berraf on the importance of children in Africa. ANOCA

Mustapha Berraf has sent an important public message about the key role of children on the continent. "Our present and our future will be built by our children," stressed the president of the African Olympic Committees (ANOCA or ACNOA in French).

"Children's Rights Day is a priority for us at the Association of National Committees in Africa. Children represent innocence, carefreeness and, above all, the future. In short, they are the future of Africa," said the president of ANOCA.

"We have a duty to respect them and to ensure that their rights are respected. It is also very important to create a peaceful and enabling environment for their growth so that they can become men and women of action for a united, strong and prosperous Africa. Driven by the vision to foster Olympic values, ANOCA spares no effort to provide African children with the necessary comfort and various opportunities to develop through and by sport. 

The establishment and operation of Olympafrica centres in several countries is a clear example of this. In these centres, children are provided with a suitable environment, organised and guided to become top-level athletes and accomplished African citizens imbued with the values of love, sharing, humility and solidarity. Olympafrica centres bring smiles to the faces of African children through a range of activities and attractions. 

African children are a priority for Mustapha Berraf.
African children are a priority for Mustapha Berraf. 

Sport helps to educate children, protect their health and boost their mentality. That is why sport is essential to their rights. They have the right to practice sport. We must invest in children. They must become responsible young people who are resilient in the face of any social or economic threat. 

We thank all African NOCs for their commitment to the protection   of children's rights. African governments are investing in elite sport, but they must also create neighbourhood playgrounds alongside the impressive sports facilities that exist, so that all children have the opportunity to develop through sport. This will also help to identify the budding talents who will be the pride of the continent in the future. 

We thank the International Olympic Committee, and its president Thomas Bach, who has always supported ANOCA in all its development activities for the benefit of African youth. He is a friend of African children. Let us togehter protect the rights of our children. Let us build our future in solidarity by building the future of our children today," concluded ANOCA President Mustapha Berraf in his public message.