IBA Announces Support for National Boxing During Visit to Nigeria. IBA

IBA President Umar Kremlev and the President of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu, exchanged ideas and projects during a meeting. Kremlev also expressed his desire to help restore gyms and facilities. Nigeria will host a boxing tournament in August.

Boxing is seen as a positive alternative in Nigeria. As a result, the country's government has not hesitated to promote the sport. Three of its young athletes will represent Nigeria at the upcoming Olympic Games. The President of the International Boxing Association (IBA) visited Nigeria. 

He shared initiatives and projects with the country's President, Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu. Through its President, the IBA has offered its support to rehabilitate gyms across the country to help develop the talents of young boxers. The main effort will be focused on Lagos, one of the cities where boxing is prominent.

The poor condition of the gyms and facilities where boxers train is largely due to the rainy season, which damages roofs, floors and walls. Kremlev will help improve these facilities so that boxers can use them.

Boxers from Nigeria and Senegal During the 2023 Africa Championship. GETTY IMAGES
Boxers from Nigeria and Senegal During the 2023 Africa Championship. GETTY IMAGES

Boxing in the country will be in the spotlight in August with the hosting of a boxing tournament. Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu and the national federation are keen to support the event. The idea of growing boxing is not only the intention of the IBA President, but also a shared goal of the United Nations and the nation's leader.

The tournament, which is currently being organised, will be one of the events where Nigerian boxers will represent the country. Another event they will be participating in is the upcoming World Friendship Games. The government has approved the sending of a delegation of athletes to compete in various sports.

These types of championships are often crucial to the development of athletes. By competing against boxers from other countries, they allow each boxer to measure his or her true potential. They also maintain the athlete's competitive spirit and provide an essential dose of motivation. They also tend to be used to identify talent. Athletes who have not had a platform to showcase their skills often find that they are the perfect place to do so. That is why the Nigerian authorities are keen to organise them.