Asian Boxing Confederation (ASBC) calls extraordinary congress to discuss joining World Boxing. ASBC / X

The Asian Boxing Confederation (ASBC) has issued an official statement announcing the date and venue for a vote on joining World Boxing, in line with the IOC's interest in sidelining the International Boxing Association (IBA) as the governing body for Olympic boxing.

The ASBC is calling an Extraordinary Congress to debate and vote on the matter following the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) announcement that boxing could be excluded from the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles if there is no organisation representing boxing in its Olympic format.

The IOC had previously stripped the IBA of its representation, creating a complex situation for various international and national federations.

In this context, the Asian confederation is easing the pressure to resolve the issue before the thirty-third modern Olympic Games, which begin on 26 July, by scheduling the extraordinary congress for the end of August.

The ASBC has declared that Abu Dhabi will be the centre of the vote on the possible inclusion of World Boxing, as requested by the IOC. The date has been set for 31 August, during the ASBC Asian Junior and School Boys & Girls Boxing Championships.

Following the IOC's decision to withdraw recognition of the International Boxing Association (IBA) as the governing body for Olympic-style boxing, the inclusion of boxing in the Olympic programme is now in jeopardy, with the IOC threatening to exclude IBA athletes from participating in the 2028 Games in Los Angeles.

In response to the situation between the IBA and the IOC, the ASBC Board of Directors met on 26 June 2024 to discuss the next steps, resulting in a call for an Extraordinary Congress to be held in the Arab country on the last day of August, pushing the issue beyond the conclusion of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

The statement, signed by Pichai Chunhavajira, president of the federation, is clear about the reasons for the congress: "According to the Olympic Charter, each sport must be governed by a recognised International Federation in order to be included in the Olympic Games. In light of the IOC's derecognition of the IBA, the ASBC will consider joining forces with World Boxing to seek IOC recognition."