Ryan Garcia, banned by the WBC for racist remarks, apologises. GETTY IMAGES

Ryan Garcia's words on his social media of "I'm sorry", were welcomed by his followers. They are beginning to tire of the boxer's scandal after scandal. Garcia continues his antics, although this time, according to his social media messages, he seems to have realised that he is on the wrong track.

Garcia continues his saga of problems. After the broadcast of racist insults and the denigration of Muslims, he has apologised via his social media. "I'm sorry," he posted. He admitted to struggling with substance abuse and undergoing rehabilitation.

"I take full responsibility for what I've said," García wrote. "And it has been a difficult few months, as everyone can see," he added, according to AP. Last Friday, the World Boxing Council decided to ban the boxer for his racist comments and his remarks against Muslims

In a statement published by X, WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman said, "I am exercising my authority as president of the WBC to ban Ryan Garcia from any activity within our organisation."

Garcia is a troubled rebel, lurching from scandal to scandal. If it is not a positive test, it is a fight or a snub in front of the media. The boxer referred to George Floyd, the African-American killed by the police in Minneapolis in 2020, during a live broadcast on X. 

This sparked outrage from the WBC. "We reject all forms of discrimination," the WBC president said. "I fear for Ryan's well-being as he has repeatedly refused our help with mental health and substance abuse," he added.

In these hopeful comments from the boxer, which suggest a sense of remorse, there is an interest in turning the situation around. Garcia admitted to going to rehab to try and avoid acting out. He is currently under a one-year sanction imposed by the New York State Athletic Commission

He tested positive for ostarine, a banned substance, and was sanctioned on 20 April 2024. He took it before his fight with Devin Haney. García won, but his victory was also annulled. He won that day, handing Haney his first defeat.

However, after failing to make weight the day before, it was agreed that the fight would go ahead, but without the titles on the line. He apologised on his social media. 

Though he also complained that other boxers had done and said the same things he had and had not been sanctioned. At the same time, he stood by certain comments despite being suspended. "I maintain that a black man can be racist.".

In May, he also lost his temper and was arrested for vandalism. He caused around $15,000 (€13,800) worth of damage to a hotel in Beverly Hills, California. He was arrested and complained about his treatment.