Global Athlete who have voiced their concerns in a statement. GLOBAL ATHLETE

As Paris 2024 kicks off, the impressive broadcasts and crowds will mask a troubling truth: the Olympics fail to truly support athletes or promote global peace, according to Global Athlete, who have voiced their concerns in a statement.

Instead, they mainly serve the interests of the IOC elite and legitimise geopolitical agendas. The IOC, which controls every aspect of the Games, operates without real accountability, insists the publication. As a multi-billion-dollar “non-profit” entity without shareholders or meaningful political oversight, the IOC is shielded from scrutiny due to its unique status and the public's reverence for sport. Global Athlete say this lack of oversight has allowed those in control of the IOC to enrich themselves at the expense of athletes and host cities while enabling autocratic leaders to use the Olympics for their own geopolitical gains.

Financially, the IOC generates around $2 billion (€1.8bn) annually, yet athletes receive no direct payment and very limited indirect benefits from participating in the Games. The report adds they face stringent restrictions on profiting from their own names and bear all risks associated with competing. Meanwhile, IOC members and executives enjoy substantial perks, including daily allowances of up to $900 (€829), generous stipends, luxury accommodations, and first-class travel.

The River Seine will host the Olympic Ceremony. GETTY IMAGES
The River Seine will host the Olympic Ceremony. GETTY IMAGES

In terms of safety and security, the IOC has allowed hazardous conditions for athletes, such as inadequate air conditioning in the Olympic Village despite extreme temperatures in Paris. The public opening ceremony on the Seine River, lacking proper security, poses risks to both athletes and spectators. Additionally, athletes are expected to swim in the polluted Seine River, raising serious concerns about health and safety.

Human rights issues also persist, say Global Athlete. Despite its claims to uphold human rights, the IOC restricts athletes' free expression during the Games and fails to protect those who wish to compete wearing hijabs from discriminatory laws. The organisation has also not suspended the Afghan Olympic Committee for violations against women in sports, allowing a few Afghan women to compete under risky circumstances.

The IOC has further compromised its integrity by permitting Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete despite ongoing aggression against Ukraine. This decision flouts its own eligibility rules and echoes past instances where the Olympics were used to advance geopolitical interests, such as Russia’s strategic use of the 2014 and 2022 Games.

Russia athletes will compete but as neutrals. GETTY IMAGES
Russia athletes will compete but as neutrals. GETTY IMAGES

On the matter of fair competition, the IOC has been lax in addressing doping and match-fixing issues. It has not held Russia accountable for a major state-sponsored doping scandal, ignored doping violations by Chinese swimmers, and failed to address alleged match-fixing in fencing, all of which undermine the fairness of the Games.

As the Paris Games unfold, Global Athlete explain these issues will be overshadowed by the celebration of athletic achievements. While it is important to honor athletes, stakeholders must recognise the need for a more transparent and equitable Olympic structure. Political leaders, host cities, sponsors, and athletes should advocate for a system where the IOC is held accountable.

At a minimum, athletes should have the right to organise, secure professional representation, and engage in collective bargaining. Moreover, the report states political leaders should condition the IOC’s tax-exempt status on its commitment to protect human rights and prevent the Games from being exploited for war and authoritarianism.