By Tom Degun

Olympic_2520Village_2520building_2520work_1April 20 - The latest employment and skills figures published today by the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) have revealed that the combined London 2012 workforce has reached 12,635 people as construction nears completion.

Of the current workforce, 25 per cent are residents in the five Olympic Park Host Boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest.

This is significantly above the projected target of Host Borough residents making up at least 15 per cent of the construction workforce, while the figures show that more than 62 per cent of workers live in London.

ODA chief executive Dennis Hone said: "The Olympic Park and Village is being delivered on track and within budget by a dedicated and hardworking team in London supported by thousands more people working for sub-contractors and suppliers up and down the country.

"The site and supplier workforce have done us proud, completing construction on the Stadium and Velodrome and being on track to finish all the main venues and infrastructure this summer ready for test events ahead of the Games.

"Alongside the immediate economic legacy of providing work, contracts and a showcase for the work of UK plc, the 'big build' has supported long-term career development for people living close to the Olympic Park, previously unemployed people and apprentices."

As well as the 12,365 working on the Olympic Park and Village, thousands more people across the UK are gaining employment and training helping to deliver the venues and infrastructure for the Games.

Programmes set up to maximise the employment legacy have helped over 1,400 previously unemployed local people gain work on the Olympic Park, delivered more than 3,400 places training people for work on the Olympic Park and other construction sites and enabled 426 apprentices to work on the project.

Meanwhile the ODA's "Jobs, Skills, Futures" targets include delivering an Olympic Park construction workforce made up of at least 15 per cent of residents of the five host boroughs.

The strategy to boost the Olympic Park jobs and skills legacy includes a jobs brokerage service that matches in the UK with Olympic Park job opportunities, a National Skills Academy for Construction which has delivered 3,451 training places, and a commitment to an additional 250 apprenticeships to be created on the Olympic Park and Olympic Village.

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