MARCH 3 - SIR CHRIS HOY (pictured) tonight withdrew from the World Track Championship in Poland today because of the injuries he sustained in his crash in Denmark last month.


The 32-year-old Scot, who was knighted after winning three gold medals in last year's Beijing Olympics to take his career total of titles to four, damaged his right hip in a high-speed crash in the closing stages of the keirin final at the World Cup Finals in Copenhagen.



He had 275 milliliters (0.3 of a quart) of fluid drained from his joint 10 days later but has been advised by his medical team to rest rather than race at the meeting in Poznan, which takes place between March 25 and 29.


 Sir Chris said: "I'm hugely disappointed that I'm not going to be riding in the worlds.


"I've been really lucky in my career so far and this is the first time I've had to miss a major championship event due to injury."


Sir Chris won three titles at last year's World Championships in Manchester, the sprint, keirin and team sprint



He said: "I'm glad it didn't happen this time last year and I'm still totally focused on being in the best shape possible for London 2012.


"This doesn't affect my long-term aim of defending my titles and I'll hopefully be back in training and competition in the near future."