JULY 28 - BRITAIN'S divers, including 14-year-old Tom Daley, and gymnasts were the first members of Team GB to move into the Olympic Village in Beijing today.


Daley, who is the youngest competitor to represent Britain in the Games for nearly 50 years, was particularly impressed with the Olympic Village dining hall which has to cater for over 10,000 athletes.


He said: “I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. 


"It is the size of four football pitches and there is every food imaginable. 


"The whole Village is amazing and I can’t wait to get in the pool."


After the ten hour flight from London Heathrow, all the athletes were excited about beginning their Olympic journey after months of preparation.


Diver Tonia Couch said: “It is finally sinking in that we are competing at the biggest sporting event in the world.


First-time Olympian, gymnast Louis Smith, said he was “excited and nervous about seeing where we will be living for the next four weeks.”


The official Games transport took the athletes from Beijing’s new international airport to the Olympic Village where they were met by Team GB’s HQ staff and shown to their rooms.


Team GB’s accommodation blocks contain 96 beds.


Nick Robinson-Baker, a diver, said: “Our accommodation is awesome, you really feel like you are walking in to the British camp.” 


His 3m synchro partner, Ben Swain agreed and said: “It is the best competition accommodation we’ve ever stayed in, our bedrooms have so many Team GB touches it has a great feel to it.”