altApril 16 - China made history today when it chose its first-ever black player for a senior national squad when Ding Hiu was picked for the volleyball squad to prepare for London 2012.


Ding's father is from South Africa, but he was brought up by his

mother in Hangzhou, the capital of east China's Zhejiang Province.


He showed early promise as an athlete and was accepted into a special sports school. In 2003, he was became a member of the provincial volleyball team and later progressed to the national junior squad.


His selection for the senior squad is the logical progression for the talented youngster who plays in the libero position.


Ding first grabbed public attention at the World Youth Championships in Mexico in 2007 when the Chinese team took a surprising second place.


The 6ft 6in player has impressed Zhou Jian'an, head coach of the national team.


He said: "I've been watching him play for some time.


"He is in good physical condition and has great potential, but he was a little young to play at the Beijing Olympics."


The coach acknowledged that Ding had brought media attention but denied this was the reason for his selection.

He said: "We pick players for their ability and to meet the needs of the team as a whole.


"He's no different from the other players.


"They are all Chinese."