JULY 21 - BRITAIN today became the first country to register its list of competitors to take part in the Beijing Olympics, which open in 17 days.


A group of officials led by Simon Clegg, the Team GB Chef de Mission, and including Sir Clive Woodward, England's World Cup rugby winning coach who is now the British Olympic Association's (BOA) elite performance director, spent nine hours formally entering and finalising the team.


A team of 313 athletes and 236 officials were registered with Beijing 2008, meaning that Team GB will comprise a total delegation of 549.


Team GB staff are now busy preparing the residential area of the Olympic Village for the arrival of the British athletes, the first of which will be the divers who will move into the Olympic Village on July 28.


The staff are setting up systems and structures as well as preparing the rooms with home comfort for all the athletes.


Clegg said: “The Olympic Village is looking very impressive and ready to welcome the world’s athletes.


"The state of final preparations and readiness is better than any Olympic Village that I have experienced in the past.


"There is a real buzz in Beijing - you can feel how excited everyone is about the Olympic Games soon starting.”


For the full list of competitors visit http://www.olympics.org.uk/beijing2008/News.aspx?id=2518.