JULY 17 - MARTINA EMANUEL (pictured) has been added to Britain's fencing team for next month's Beijing Olympics.


The 22-year-old Italian born student finished fourth in the European Olympic Qualifying event in Lisbon in April 2008 and has been awarded a re-allocated place by the FIE (International Fencing Federation) after the Austrian NOC withdrew their athlete from the competition.


Emanuel, who will compete in the individual foil, said: “It was a wonderful surprise and I am so excited about going to Beijing.


"It is a dream come true to compete for Team GB and it will be a great experience for me with London 2012 in mind.”


Graham Watts, the performance director for British Fencing, said: “We are delighted that Martina has become the third British fencer to be accepted into Team GB for the Beijing Olympic Games, thus increasing our representation from Athens 2004. 


"She is a very determined, young fencer who will make the most of this early Olympic exposure to gain vital experience in her target for a medal winning performance in 2012.”