altApril 10 - A private Israeli security firm set up by former Mossad agents and Israel Defense Forces troops has opened talks with organisers of next year's Commonwealth Games about helping keep them safe.


The International Security and Defence Systems (ISDS) has previously been involved in helping provide security at Olympics in Barcelona in 1992, Sydney 2000, Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008.


It also worked at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro.


Leo Gleser, the president of ISDS, warned that New Delhi is a particularly vulnerable target.


He said: “The Games are the face of your society.


"And the threat is very serious, especially after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.


"India is surrounded by a lot of enemies and Pakistan and Afghanistan will be in a terrible situation next year."


IDDS, which was set up in 1982, and among the services it offers are homeland security, security of mega events, business community security and emergency management and disaster recovery.


Fears about competing in New Delhi is growing among foreign teams, particularly Australia, because of the terrorist outrage in Mumbai and the terrorist attack on the Sri Lanka cricket team in Lahore earlier this year.


A spokesman for New Delhi 2010 said: “With over a dozen main venues and many other training venues to guard, that too with multi-layered security, the task of securing the Games would be enormous.


"While the Home Ministry and Delhi Police are handling overall security, the need to rope in private players has now been acknowledged."