By Tom Degun at the Olympic Village in London

Mayor at_Athletes_Village_July_12July 12 - Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, toured the Olympic Village here today, as the first team officials move in ahead of the arrival of the world's top competitors.

Johnson (pictured) took a final tour of the Village as finishing touches were made and found the P&G grooming area particular interesting, where he stopped and discussed a hair cut, but instead opted for a manicure.

"The athletes coming to London's Games have spent years preparing for the competition this summer," said the Mayor of London.

"We are welcoming them to an Athletes' Village that is secure, comfortable and well-equipped, so that all they have to worry about is their performance when the big day comes."

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Johnson's tour of the Village came as team officials set up residence ahead of next week's main team arrivals on July 16.

The team officials will help athletes familiarise themselves with Village services and facilities.

In addition to the London Mayor's visit, London 2012 also announced its full Olympic Village Mayoral team.

The team is headed by Olympic Village Mayor Charles Allen, who is supported by three deputy Olympic Village Mayors – Shadow Cabinet Minister Tessa Jowell, Moscow 1980 Olympic swimming champion Duncan Goodhew and Cultural Olympiad chairman Tony Hall.

The wider Mayoral team comprises Ozzie Clarke-Binns, Ashley Mitchell, Abraham Male, Dilly Newton, Julie Steen and Jodi McGinty,who are youth representatives from across the UK. 

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"The arrival of team officials marks the beginning of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games for the Village," said Allen.

"The announcement of the Village Mayoral team today is another step towards welcoming athletes on Monday and a fantastic London 2012 experience for all those staying at the Village."

The London 2012 Olympic Village is the most compact in recent Games history, and with Stratford International Station adjacent to it, offers athletes easy links to the capital's entertainment and heritage. 

Teams will be accommodated in 2,818 new apartments across 11 residential blocks, each built around a private courtyard.

After the Games, the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) will remove the temporary fittings in the apartments and "retro-fit" them with new kitchens creating new homes that will be sold to the public.

Contact the writer of this story at [email protected]

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