altJune 27 - Luol Deng (pictured), Britain's most influential player, is set to miss the European Championships in Poland later this year because he has not fully recovered from injury, the Chicago Bulls have claimed.


Deng is currently trying to rehabilitate from a shin stress fracture that forced him to miss the last 22 matches of Bulls season, including the play-offs.


Ger Forman, the Bulls general manger, said he does not expect Deng to play overseas this summer, a massive blow to Britain's making an impact at this September's European Championships, the first time they have qualified for the tournament since 1981 and which is considered a major event in their build-up for London 2012.


Britain are in a tough group with world champions Spain, Serbia and Slovenia.


Deng had suffered the injury in February and had initially been optimistic about recovering in time for the European Championships, which open on September 7.


Those hopes are now fading.


Forman said: ''It's his decision what he wants to do.


'But he's now into his offseason program and lifting on a consistent basis and getting on the floor as far as running and shooting.


"The last we talked to Luol, I don't think he's going to participate [with Britain] this summer.


"He may join the team to be around them because he is a leader for them.


"But I don't think he's going to play.''