AUGUST 27 - BRITAIN'S Olympic gold medallists, like sailor Ben Ainslie (pictured) are all to receive a free high-definition television from Panasonic.


Britain won 19 gold medals, the most ever by a squad competing outside London, but 26 athletes are eligible for the reward.


That is because in some events, such as the team pursuit in cycling, the gold medal was one by more than one competitor.


As well as being a TOP sponsor of the International Olympic Committee, Panasonic are a supporter of the British Olympic Association (BOA) and provided video recording for a number of sports, including sailing, to help prepare for Beijing.


Keith Evans, the managing director of Panasonic UK, said: Team GB has done a fantastic job winning so many gold medals at the Beijing Olympic Games.


"This success is down to all the hard work, effort and commitment each athlete has put into their sporting discipline.

"To recognise their tremendous achievement and contribution to Great Britain being a winning team, Panasonic, as an official worldwide partner of the Olympic Games, is proud to present each gold medal winner with a high definition television, letting them ‘live the winning moment’ again and again.”


Simon Clegg, the chief executive of the BOA,  said: “I am delighted that our partner Panasonic is recognising all the hard work and fantastic achievement that the athletes have put in to secure gold medals for Team GB.


"I am sure that the gold medallists look forward to watching footage from the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on TV as soon as they get a chance.”


The BOA is to investigate offering financial rewards to medal winners at the 2012 Olympics.


A number of countries already offer such incentives, including China where each gold medallist received $51,000 each (£28,000) from the Government.