SEPTEMBER 13 - A NUDE poster of Olympic swimmer Gregor Tait (pictured) in Luton has become the target of mysterious self-appointed censors, who have covered the image with paint.


The billboard advertisements for Powerade, the official energy drink of Britain's Olympic team, were defaced on Wednesday night.


Another an advert in Luton featuring a naked model advertising a carpet company was also targetted.


The poster shows Tait rising out of a swimming pool mid-stroke and was part of three posters featuring Olympic athletes.


The others starred gold medallist cyclist Rebecca Romero and triple jump silver medallist Phillips Idowu.


But Tait is the only one that has been vandalised.

A spokesman for Coca-Cola, which owns Powerade, said: "We're coming to the end of the campaign so I doubt the poster will be replaced.


"The ads have gone down pretty well generally, we've had a lot of positive feedback, especially after Team GB did so well at the Olympics.


"It's a shame when people do this, I don't think we've had any problems elsewhere."