altSEPTEMBER 12 - THE president of the Scottish Football Association has claimed that any reassurances from Sepp Blatter (pictured) that a British football team in the 2012 Olympics will not jeopardise their independence are meaningless.


George Peat warned that there was no chance of Scotland changing its mind over its involvement because they really fear that if they get involved with a united British football team it will lead to them being unable to compete in the World Cup and European Championships.


The fact that the FIFA President has on several occasions promised that it will not does not ease those fears.


Peat said:  "What people have to remember is that Sepp Blatter is unlikely to be in the position he is in by the time 2012 comes round.


"And, at the end of the day, Sepp Blatter doesn't make the decisions, they are made by the FIFA executive board, and that could be completely different by the time it comes round.


"We will do nothing to encourage the argument that we should be part of a team GB."


The strenght of feeling among Scottish fans was clear during their team's World Cup qualifying match with Iceland in Reykjavik on Wednesday.


Positioned prominently on the half-way line so it was captured by the television cameras for large chunks of the match was a giant banner "SAY NO TO TEAM GB".


Peat said: "Some people are encouraging it, including the Prime Minister.


"But I can tell you there is no intention whatsoever of us becoming part of team Great Britain.


"We made up our mind from day one that we didn't want any part of it and we will resist for as long as I'm here."


Peat's stance has been firmly supported by former Scotland manager Craig Brown.


He said: "We must oppose a GB team.


"It's the thin edge of the wedge.


"If we go as GB, you'll find there will be no Scotland in years to come.


"They will quickly get rid of us and it will be a GB team for the World Cup and European Championship."