AUGUST 18 - NIGERIA is to launch another bid to host the Commonwealth Games despite its disappointment at being beaten to host the 2014 event by Glasgow, a leading Government official said today.


There was acrimony and disappointment after Abuja's bid was comprehensively defeated by Glasgow last November.


But today they announced that they would seek to follow the Scottish city and will put forward capital Abuja host the 2018 Games.


Prince Vincent Ogbulafor, the chairman of Nigeria's ruling People's Democratic Party, said that he hoped a successful bid would raise the country's profile.


He said: "The gain of hosting major international games can not be quantified.


"The benefits are in chains.


"They include infrastructural development, trade and business opportunities.


"Hosting the Olympics has opened the eyes of first time visitors to China.


"China's cities can be compared to any great city in the world, and from the comment of everybody here the Games are one of the best Olympics.


"The Chinese Government has provided additional infrastructure for the people, new roads, Games Village, hospitals and hotels were constructed."


Abuja hosted the All Africa Games in 2003 and the National Stadium built for that event will be the centrepiece for the Commonwealth bid.


Ogbulafor said: "We had a similar experience [to Beijing] in Abuja towards hosting of the All Africa Games, roads were constructed, a Games Village was built and one of the best stadiums in Africa was built.


"Nigerians are the ones benefiting from them now.


"Sports is now used the world over to build nations.


"It has gone beyond mere recreation and entertainment. It is now used for international politics, promotion of international image of the nations and development of the economy.


"Nigeria as a nation has the capacity and ability to bid and host the 2018 Commonwealth Games."


There is a belief among many Commonwealth Games officials that with Delhi hosting the 2010 edition of the event that it will be time to stage it in Africa for the first time in 2018.


Durban in South Africa have also expressed an interest in bidding.


A decision is due in 2011.