altOCTOBER 30 - RUSSIA, widely considered to be one of England's biggest rivals to stage the 2018 World Cup, still have to formally declare that they will bid for the event, the country's Sports Minister said today.


Vitaly Mutko said: "There's a possibility that we will place a bid for the right to host the World Cup or the European champiponships in Russia."


If as, expected, the World Cup returns to Europe in 2018 after being staged in South Africa in 2010 and Brazil in 2014 then it is expected to be a battle between England and Russia, which has the fastest growing economy on the continent and has never staged a major football tournament. 

Mutko said: "We have a desire to host a football event of a top level.

"However, we should thoroughly inspect all the circumstances and our possibilities.


"We will need to prepare 12 host cities and at least a dozen 40,000-seat venues for the event.

"Besides, Russia will host the 2014 [Winter] Olympics and 2013 World Student Games.