JANUARY 28 - THE body set up to monitor sustainability planning and progress for the London 2012 Olympic games has announced the appointment of a further eight commissioners.


The Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 now comprises 12 expert advisors led by the chairman, Shaun McCarthy.


It plans four key reviews and three progress reports in 2008.  
The new commissioners have expertise ranging from social and economic sustainability to biodiversity, climate change, waste, and community sport.


They are drawn from Government, business and the voluntary and community sectors, and three are local residents of the Olympic Host Boroughs


The Commission has also announced that in 2008, as well as assuring general activity with regards to sustainability from the Olympic delivery bodies, it will provide formal reviews on four specific areas - procurement and commercial partnerships, social and economic sustainability, food and waste. 


The Commission will also review progress on design and the initiative to calculate an overall carbon footprint for the games.


The new Commissioners include the following:


• Gautam Banerji, an expert on the impact of sustainable development on communities
• Emily Brennan, a biodiversity specialist and conservation biologist
• Claire Holman, an air quality specialist and sustainability consultant
• Andrew Myer, an energy and environmental consultant who worked on the Sydney Olympics
• Jonathan Pauling who has managed a wide range of food and regeneration programmes
• Daniel Silverstone, a waste and racial equality expert
• Neil Taylor who is a community sports specialist 
• Ben Wilson, who is widely experienced in social housing, organizational strategy and governance


The new Commissioners join existing members Val Chinn, Professor Stuart Green, Andrew Shipley, and Dr Robin Stott who were appointed in May 2007.


The commissioners were appointed following an extensive open recruitment process and are initially appointed for two years.


The positions are unpaid, apart from expenses. 


Their role is to support the chair in providing quality advice and feedback to the Olympic Board on the sustainability of the Games programme, identify good practice, areas for improvement and assess risks.  


The Commission is also able to appoint co-opted experts who are specialists in particular sustainability areas to support the core commissioners.


McCarthy said: “The Commission is undertaking a pioneering endeavour to independently monitor London’s pledge to host the most sustainable Olympics ever staged.


"The role we are performing has never been undertaken before – there is a lot at stake and a lot to gain. 


"It is a tremendous benefit that we can bring together this set of commissioners all with very different perspectives, knowledge and experience. 


"I am honoured to work with these people and very excited at the prospect of hearing and acting on the insights and inspirations that will arise.  


"Having a full complement of commissioners will also greatly strengthen our ability to make an impact on the Olympic delivery bodies, to ensure the promise is kept to deliver the most sustainable Games and to guarantee an impressive legacy."