altLONDON Mayor Ken Livingstone (pictured) has welcomed the New Year by saying 2008 will be a special year for the Capital because it will officially become the Host City for the next Olympic Games.


If Livingstone wins the Mayoral election in May he will be present in Beijing in August to receive the flag representing London will be the next Olympic Host City.


"The Olympic Games will both regenerate East London and boost London's West End shopping and entertainment district," Livingstone said in his annual New Year message.


"London has the most vibrant cultural life of any city in the world with not only great historical institutions but the last word in diversity and modernity.


"A campaign for a London living wage has been introduced to aid the lowest paid Londoners.


"Police numbers are at record levels and both non-violent and violent crime are falling as a result.


"£70 million has been allocated to deal with youth provision and the most resistant crime problem - young people and gun and knife crime.


"London has overtaken even New York as the international business capital of the world.


"But wealth is a means not an end.


"Most important of all are the steps taken to try to ensure every Londoner shares in that success.


"And that London's success is sustainable in the long run through tackling climate change and the environment.


"The world will therefore see a London that is not only incredibly successful but one that does not rely on the illusion of automatic 'trickle down' to make sure Londoners benefit from it.


"A city that takes every measure to ensure all its citizens benefit from its success.


"The economic waters for 2008 may be more choppy than last year but London, as it enters the Olympics spotlight, can show itself as not only leading the world in international economic success but, even more important, in social and environmental responsibility."