alt A SENIOR Conservative politician has today again called for there to be a boycott of the Beijing Olympics because of China's human rights record.


In an article published in today's edition of the Yorkshire Post, European MP Edward McMillian-Scott writes: "An Olympic boycott was imposed against South Africa by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) itself in 1964 because of apartheid; it worked. In 1980, the US and 60 other countries boycotted the Moscow Olympics because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; within three years the USSR was crumbling.

"Those who argue against boycotts say that "being there" matters more: I disagree, it just gives comfort to tyrants."


McMillian-Scott, Conservative MEP for Yorkshire and Humber and is vice-president of the European Parliament and founder of the EU Democracy and Human Rights Initiative, also claims that the Government are being hyprocritical over Zimbabwe.


He writes: "The Government wants it both ways on sport boycotts.


"It is trying to ban Zimbabwe's cricket team from a UK tour but wants to hang on to Zimbabwe – and other sympathetic African countries especially South Africa – for the 2012 London Olympics.


"In a world clamouring for democracy and the universal value of human rights, Britain could give a lead by arguing for a switch of all future Games to Athens, home of the Olympics and a 2004 spectacular (and saving us £10 billion in the process) – as well as saying no to Zimbabwe's cricketers.

"Unlike sanctions, boycotts work and yes, sport, politics and religion are inevitably mixed.


"The truth is that sport is now a high-profile commercial activity with an unprecedented impact on the public."


The full article can be read at Read More....