altJANUARY 14 - DOHA officials travelled to the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne today to hand-deliver 80 copies of the city’s Application File to follow London as the host of the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics.


In its application, written in both English and French, Doha proposes to stage a highly compact, carbon-neutral Games, for the most part using its already existing world-class venues.


Hassan Ali Bin Ali, chairman of Doha's bid committee, said: “This is a significant moment for the Doha team.


"We have all worked hard together to get to this point and we are very proud of the Application File we have put together.


"I hope we have demonstrated to the IOC that Doha is an extremely strong candidate to host the 2016 Games, with a strong commitment to athletes and sport."


The other bid cities are Baku, Azerbaijan; Chicago; Doha, Qatar; Madrid, Spain; and Prague, Czech Republic.


The files will be examined by a panel of IOC experts, who will compile a report for the ruling IOC executive board.


The board will cut the field to a shortlist of finalists in June, while the full IOC will pick the host city on October 2, 2009, in Copenhagen.