altLONDON 2012 today published the first online edition of its Sustainable Sourcing Code, which it claimed is another significant step in its ambition to ensure the Games are staged in a sustainable way.


The guide is aimed predominantly aimed at internal buyers, suppliers and licensees.


Thhe code, London 2012 claim, will enable the organisation to make informed decisions with regards to environmental, social and ethical issues, when procuring the products and services needed for the Games. 


The code requires London 2012 and its suppliers to identify, source and use environmentally sound and socially responsible practices based around four basic principles.


They are:


· Responsible Sourcing - ensuring goods and services are sourced and produced under a set of internationally acceptable environmental, social and ethical guidelines and standards


· Use of Secondary Materials - maximising the use of materials with recycled content, minimising packaging and designing products that can either be reused or recycled


· Minimising Embodied Impacts - maximising resource and energy efficiency in the manufacturing and supply process in order to minimise environmental impacts


· Healthy Materials - ensuring non-polluting / non-toxic materials and substances are used.


With procurement building over the next few years, it is anticipated that London 2012 will generate around 5,000 direct business opportunities, creating approximately 25,000 supply chain opportunities. 


The peak of this activity will occur between 2010 and 2012 necessitating thousands of individual purchases from a wide range of suppliers and licensees in a relatively short period of time. 


Paul Deighton, the chief executive of London 2012, said: “London 2012 represents a fantastic opportunity to deliver a world class sporting event, but in a sustainable way. 


"Our ambition is to set new sustainability benchmarks for the way large-scale events are staged, the Sustainable Sourcing Code is a key part of this. 


"One of the most important aspects of this for me is that we are able to develop this as we progress - this is just the first edition. 


"As we move forward, learn more and gather feedback from others, we can ensure we stay current in this area and indeed across all of our sustainability themes.”


Environmental groups welcomed the publication of the guide.


Fairtrade Foundation executive director Harriet Lamb said: “The Fairtrade Foundation welcomes LOCOG’s Sustainable Sourcing Code and its provision for Fairtrade products.


"We are delighted that LOCOG, at this early stage, has made clear its position on the importance of securing products which have been sourced sustainably, including those independently certified to international Fairtrade standards.


"This sends a clear signal to all companies supplying Fairtrade products that the race is on to get involved with London 2012.


"How great if one of the legacies were to be that London , which recently became the world’s largest Fairtrade city, could enable many more producers in developing countries to sell their products under Fairtrade terms.”


Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) director of market development Marcus Gover said: “WRAP welcomes LOCOG's commitment to staging a zero waste to landfill Games. 


"The Sustainable Sourcing Code sets out how suppliers will help deliver this by maximising the use of materials with recycled content, minimising packaging and designing products that can be reused or recycled.”


Tom Delay, the chief executive of the Carbon Trust, said: “It’s essential that environmental sustainability is at the heart of London 2012, and the Carbon Trust welcomes this latest initiative.


"Suppliers have a vital role in delivering a low carbon Games: the associated guidelines on carbon emissions of products and services will be an important help in this respect. 


"Those leading companies that are already using the Carbon Trust standard to demonstrate action on climate change and the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Reduction Label to measure and communicate product carbon footprints will be well placed to help London 2012 reduce the carbon footprint across its supply chain.”