alt THE number of people who have publicly backed Glasgow's bid to host the 2014 Commonwealth Games has passed the 1.5 million mark, Scottish officials have claimed.


Support has come from all over Britain and as far away as Australia and New Zealand.


"The strength of support that the Glasgow 2014 Bid has generated has been nothing short of remarkable," said Derek Casey, the leader of Glasgow's bid.


"To have reached this incredible total in little under a year shows just how passionate Scots are about winning and how much bringing the Games to Scotland means to people throughout the country.

"This year is a crucial year. All of the voters who will make the decision on the Bid will be visiting the City. They will want to know about our facilities, our transport network and our plans for the Games.

"But they will want to know how much we want to stage the Games. That is why we must build on this magnificent number. We have come a long way so far, but there is still so much that we can do.


"If we work together, if we speak with one voice then we can win these Games for our country."