altTHOMAS BACH, the vice-president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has tipped Munich to make history and become the first city to stage both the Summer and Winter Games.


The German city, which hosted the 1972 Summer Olympics, announced in July that they were planning to launch a bid stage the 2018 Winter Games.


The plan is for the ice events to be held in Munich with Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which hosted the 1936 Winter Olympics, hosting the snow sports and Koenigssee the sliding disciplines.




The IOC are not due to choose a host city until 2011 but Bach, the president of the German Olympic Sports Federation, believes Munich can feel confident.


He said: "We bid to win and to stage the Winter Games 2018




"The bid is a good one and most of the venues are already there."


The 1972 Olympics were overshadowed by the massace of 11 Israeli athletes by Palestinian terrorists.


Bach said: "It [the bid] follows in the Olympic tradition from 1972 which up to the terrible attack of Palestinians on the Israel team was remembered for its cheerful atmosphere."


Berlin is due to host the World Athletics Championships next year and Bach believes that if the German capital puts on a good show it will help Munich's bid.


He said: "Everyone in German sport is interested in the Worlds being a success and that Germany presents itself as a likeable, friendly and well-organised host."


Munich is one of several cities who have already declared an interest in bidding for the 2018 Winter Olympics and following Vancouver in 2010 and Sochi in 2014.


Pyeongchang, the South Korean city that narrowly lost out to host 2010 and 2014, are expected to make another bid, along with Grenoble, Geneva and a possible United States candidate.


Last week Chinese city Harbin said that it would also bid if it successfully staged the 2009 Winter Universiade, which it is due to stage in February.