August 22 - Britain's Emma Pooley (pictured) won today's GP de Plouay in a solo move in the ninth round of the 10-race World Cup series that surprised even her.



Pooley finished two-and-a-half minutes ahead of the nearest rival after leaving the pack behind in a lone breakaway of more than 50 kilometres.



The Olympic time trial silver medalist was shocked she hung on to win.


Nicole Cooke gave chase on the last lap at the Cote de Kerihuel, but the Olympic champion could not hold the pace, and Pooley stayed clear to claim her second World Cup win of the year following her victory in Montreal in May.


The Norwich rider said: "When I attacked, I never thought I would arrive.


"I was just doing it to liven up the race.


"Now I hope to try to win the world title in Mendrisio.


"That’s my goal.”


In the bunch sprint, Holland's Marianne Vos out-kicked Sweden's Emma Johansson for second place, giving the Dutch rider enough points to bounce into the overall World Cup series lead with just one round left to race.


The last of 10-round World Cup is the Tour of Nurenberg on September 13.