altSCOTLAND'S chances of stepping in to host the 2012 European Football Championships receeded today after Ukraine clinched a deal to develop its main stadium.


Ministers signed a memorandum with the Yudzhin company to make adjustments to the shopping centre adjacent to Kyiv's 84,000-seat Olympic stadium.


"The memorandum calls for the dismantling of all above ground construction... by the Olympic stadium and for the adaptation of all underground parts to the needs of Euro 2012," Deputy Prime Minister Ivan Vasyunik said.


UEFA had cited the proximity of the shopping centre as a key problem, saying it violated crowd control norms and suggesting permission to hold the final there could be withdrawn unless changes were made.


UEFA last week accused the tournament's joint organisers, Ukraine and Poland, of moving too slowly in their preparations for 2012 and said the next four to six months would be "decisive" in putting matters back on schedule.


That had alerted Scotland to the possibility of stepping in.