prostitution calling_cards_london_18-10-11 August 18 - London is seeking the help of mobile-phone operators to deactivate lines used to promote prostitution as part of a clean-up ahead of the 2012 Olympics.



Chief executive officers of “the major mobile operators” have been invited by the London Mayor’s Office to a meeting in October with police, judicial representatives, BT Group Plc and women’s organisations in an effort to bar “pimps and traffickers” from mobile networks, Boris Johnson's office said.


Criminal gangs often advertise prostitution using cards with mobile-phone numbers that are placed in phone booths in Central London.


Kit Malthouse, London's Deputy Mayor for Policing, said: “In 2012 we want to be proud of our city as a glittering example to the world.


"We want companies like Vodafone, Orange, O2, 3, Virgin and T-Mobile to make it difficult for the pimps and traffickers."


Last month report by the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) warned that the Games could bring an increase in prostitution and sex trafficking as well as domestic violence and rape, caused by alcohol abuse.

These crimes could damage London's reputation in the eyes of the world, as attention focuses on the nation's capital during the Games, the report said.

Malthouse said: "If you are an American tourist and you walk into a telephone box you would think it was a sex shop.

"We want a streamlined, agreed process for barring these numbers because they become very valuable for a number of reasons. Firstly, they become a source of repeat business.


"Plus the numbers operate as a kind of switchboard, there will be several poor girls operating behind the number.

"Hopefully it will become dangerous to advertise your number in these boxes because you may lose your business.

"If you are a trafficker or pimp all you are interested in is money, you are certainly not interested in the welfare of the women or young girls."