August 10 - Leaders at the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) are focussing on Chicago's bid to host the 2016 Games and have not thought beyond that, they claimed today.



The statement came in the wake of recent reports that Pittsburgh might explore a bid for the 2020 Summer Games and contiuning speculation that Denver is lining up a campaign for the 2018 Winter Olympics.



Both could only happen if Chicago failed to land the 2016 Olympics.


Stephanie Streeter, the chief executive of the USOC, said: "Let me reiterate that position in the most adamant terms.


"Chicago is not only our current bid city, it is our only bid city, and it is the sole focus of our efforts."


The USOC has repeatedly said it would not back bids for the 2018 Winter Games, an event Reno is also interested in.


A city has to have the support of its Olympic federation to submit a bid.


The USOC became more active in the bid process after confusion hurt New York's failed bid for the 2012 Olympics, which was awarded to London.


Streeter said: "So, with all due respect to those cities that are dreaming about one day bidding for the Games, now is not the time.


"This is Chicago's time.


"Please join all of us at the USOC in standing with Chicago 2016.


"Given what they've accomplished in projecting the right image for our country, it is clear they have earned our full respect and devotion."


Chicago is the favourite to follow London and be awarded the 2016 Games when a decision is taken by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) at its Session in Copenhagen on October 2.


But it faces stiff competition from Madrid and Rio de Janeiro.


Tokyo is also bidding.