altSIR ALEX FERGUSON has today paved the way for him to manage Britain's football team in the 2012 Olympics.



Sebastian Coe, the chairman of London2012, has already held tentative talks with the Manchester United manager and the timing now appears to be perfect for Sir Alex who has previously performed a U-turn over his retirement plans but now says he plans to quit the club in three years.


In an interview published today in the Mail on Sunday Sir Alex, who led Manchester United to the Champions League and Premiership double this season, said: "I won't be managing here any more than three years at the very, very most.


"Without question. I can assure you of that."

Ferguson had announced his retirement six years ago, only to go back on the plan as form started to slide.

He said: "You have to think about time for yourself.


"I think my wife deserves a bit of my time, too.

"The older you get, the more you feel guilty about it.


"My wife, Cathy, was the one who talked me out of retiring last time but she wouldn't do that now."



But managing a British team to compete in London 2012 event could well appeal to the Scot, especially as he would be following in the footsteps of another former Manchester United managerial legend, Sir Matt Busby, who was in charge of the team that competed in the 1948 Game, the last time they were held in Britain.