August 2 - A Supreme Court ruling in India to lift all the restrictions on buidling the Athletes Village for next year's Commonwealth Games has given much-needed boost to the sale of the super deluxe flats.


The developer of the New Delhi Games Village, Emaar-MGF, has been struggling to find buyers for the project for the past one year as the sales have been low due to the economic downturn and the legal controversies.


Real estate brokers, however, now believe that the decision last week to dismissed environmental concerns over teh Village will lead to a surge in demand.


Kaushal Bhansali, an agent handling the sale of the Games Village flats, said: “The Supreme Court’s observations certainly mean that sales will pick up.


"Although, the economic recession was the main reason behind Emaar-MGF not finding buyers, the legal issue surrounding the Village also played a significant role in discouraging investors."


The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) claim that building work on the Village, which will accommodate up to 8,000 athletes and officials, is now 55 per cent complete and should be finished by January 2010.


The Games are due to begin on October 3, 2010.


The Games Village will have four major temporary zones.


The mega dining hall that can host 2,000 guests at any given time; the international zone that will be a social hub for the Games family with a media enclave, the cyber cafe, coffee dispensers, lounges and a bank; the operational zone from where the Games Village will be run; and transportation mall where all the competitors will travel to the venues.


DDA is currently focussing on landscaping for which tenders are likely to be placed soon.


The proposal is to develop waterbodies, walkways and terrace gardens in the area.


A polyclinic and a casual dining hall in the apartments blocks for players will also be built.